Azqore & Capgemini : Reinventing digital transformation of Wealth Management

Capgemini, strategic partner and 20% shareholder of Azqore

Back in 2018, at the foundation of Azqore, the newly created company (formerly Credit Agricole Private Banking Services) decided to join forces with a global service company. Since then, Capgemini has helped Azqore transform into a leading Saas & BPO provider.

Together we relentlessly strive to provide cutting-edge digital solutions and industrialized processes to Wealth management firms in order to help manage costs while catering for the utmost client experience.

AI, cloud, data analytics or Fintech integration are some of the topics we are addressing together to reinvent the future of Wealth Management.

Azqore also actively collaborates with Capgemini Financial Services - Market Intelligence team to identify trends that shape the Wealth Management industry.

Capgemini, World Wealth Report 2022

The World Wealth Report 2022 covers 71 markets, accounting for more than 98% of global gross national income and 99% of world stock market capitalization. The Capgemini 2022 Global HNW Insights Survey queried 2,973 HNWIs across 24 major wealth markets in North America, Latin America, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region. Interviews and surveys were conducted with Wealth Management Executives on the new Tech-Wealth segment, market trends, the role of the CMO, and future strategies.

The World Wealth Report 2022, reveals the global High Net Worth Individual (HNWI) population grew 7.8% and their wealth grew 8% in 2021 owing to recovering economies being boosted by the stock market.

A customer-first strategy is pivotal to wealth management success. The past year was one of tremendous wealth accumulation around the world. To capture this growth, Wealth Management firms will need new and improved ways of delivering personalization to augment client experience.

“There is an increasing demand for holistic advisory but a heterogeneous answer from the Wealth management industry due to very often segregated tools and teams. Service providers need to close the loop and provide integrated solutions to facilitate the work of the RMs” said Frédéric Kemp, Chief Market Officer, Azqore.

Download World Wealth Report 2022

Download World Wealth Report 2021

Top Trends in Wealth Management 2022

A year ago, Capgemini Top Trends in Wealth Management report emphasized how the pandemic sparked disruption and digital transformation and changing investor attitudes around Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) products. In November 2021, many of those trends continued to hold as COVID-19’s wide-reaching effects kept influencing the Wealth Management industry.

Discover the trends 2022

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